Most library items are available for a 2 week checkout, with 2 renewals for a maximum checkout of 6 weeks. However, early renewals will reduce the total checkout period:
- Example 1 - You checkout an item for 2 weeks, then you renew it on its exact due date 2 weeks later, then you renew it once again on its new due date 2 weeks after that. Your total checkout time is 6 weeks.
- Example 2 - You checkout an item for 2 weeks, then you renew it early 1 week later. Your maximum checkout period has been reduced from 6 weeks to 5 weeks, and you have 1 remaining renewal.
- Example 3 -You checkout an item for 2 weeks, then you immediately renew it twice on the original checkout day. Your maximum checkout period has been reduced from 6 weeks to 2 weeks, and you have no more renewals.
See also: How do I renew a book?
See also: Can I download an eBook or eBook chapter for offline reading?